Tuesday 5 April 2016

UFO - 2

I am after, and have been for a while, Michelin Man fabric.

Does it exist? I have searched for a while (and I stand to be corrected, if I am wrong); however, I don't think it exists.

I wanted to make a queen sized quilt, at least that was my aim.  The closest I could get was a Michelin Man bandana.  I found two on ebay (I've been searching for quite some time). One blue, one black; and that's it.  I initially got excited because I thought that I could collect a few of these and make my quilt.

One bandana on it's own, does not make a quilt, not one that was envisaged in my head.

So in my organising and reorganising of my fabric stash we found each other again, and this time, instead of putting it away, I made it into a pillow case; some collectors have probably fallen over in horror; but things like this need to be used and not collect dust.

It's a part of my new mantra, why store it for someone else to enjoy when you pass on?

So here it is, a Michelin Man pillow case:

I hope it will be appreciated.

Happy sewing everyone.


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