Sunday, 14 September 2014

Ottobre Design again

I finished the top to the heart quilt this week and now have moved back to dressmaking.  Some ten weeks ago I cut out a dress, sewed the sleeves and stopped. Just stopped.  I have no reason for this sudden stop in sewing.

So after finishing the Heart Quilt quilt top, which started out as a baby quilt top, will now be a 21st present for a special young woman next year.

"What to do next?; I asked myself. "Finish that Ottobre Design dress", my inner voice replied.

I had purchased this stretch fabric from Rathdowne Remants in Brunswick, Victoria, Australia.  I don't normally fall in love with stretch fabrics; my preference is for natural fibres. This one however, I walked away when I first saw it.  Two days later I returned to purchase this fabric (I knew that if I was still thinking about it in a few days, that I would absolutely have to buy it). And buy it I did.

So, +Ottobre Design Woman Autumn/Winter 5/2013 arrived (sometime ago) and I knew that style 17 Transition wrap around dress would be used with this fabric.

It's not quite finished, but you get the general idea.  I have not added the ties and finished the neckline, hem nor hemmed the sleeves. So it's pinned onto the mannequin.

Below is a close up of the fabric:

I love Ottobre magazine, the fit  of the patterns is impressive and so are the many techniques.  Down side, I've become lazy and don't feel a need to pattern draft dress patterns.

I'd love for Ottobre to release an issue that includes some evening wear.

Give this magazine a try, if you haven't already done so.

Happy sewing everyone.


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