Tuesday 23 May 2017

Dead, wrapped in fabric

I couldn't help myself when it came to the title of today's blog post.

I didn't really get into Twin Peaks the first time around, and then with the sequel this week, well, big yawns happening this end with me.

I'd rather be dead, wrapped in fabric - sorry David Lynch.

I am trying real hard, but not hard enough, it seems, to keep away from buying fabric.  My stash is beyond control and yet I still can't keep away from a fabric store.  Especially when the word 'vintage' is included as a prefix to the word fabric!

What would you have done?  May be you have more control than I?

In the past I talked of an iconic fabric store that closed down in Melbourne.  I knew that fabric was left when it closed it's doors, I heard rumours that someone had bought up the fabric and was selling it from a warehouse in Brunswick.  However, I could not locate it.

I searched, nothing.

In the meantime, I kept getting a feed on Facebook from a warehouse called Crossley Job Lots  Seriously how did I not connect the dots?  Since the iconic fabric store was called Job Warehouse and the intersection of the street that it sat on was Crossley Street.  Seriously a seniors moment!

I had been resisting the Facebook feeds, then the allure of vintage fabrics lead me to an industrial area in Coburg North.

Don't be fooled by the unassuming exterior of this warehouse.  If you have the time and the inclination, it is worth the trip.

Inside you will be greeted by two lovely ladies.

If you are interested, you will get the background of how they came to acquire this treasure trove of fabric. Maybe you could even exchange a story or two of your own.

I could have walked away with a lot more, but, I did control myself.

I did enjoy my trip and walked away with these fabrics.

Do I have room for them?  No.  But they brought a smile to my face, something a bit lacking at work these days.

So, if you don't see me here for a while, I'm either too busy sewing, or Dead, wrapped in fabric!  What a way to go!

Happy sewing everyone!


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