Sunday, 13 July 2014

Fabulous Finds

In Melbourne, Australia us teachers work a four term year, so every 10-11 weeks we get a two week term break; then, at the end of the school year in December we have a five week break.

A pleasant ritual begun many years ago with my friend Jo.  At least once during a term break we will head to Mornington and scour second hand stores.  I look mainly for sewing related paraphernalia and Wedgwood and Jo Jo for art deco bags and collectable plates (this is only a short description of what we look for).

I quickly learnt through Jo, many a moon ago, that what families disregarded as useless (usually anything sewing related) ended up in second hand stores.  Over the years I have found good pieces of fabric never used; unfinished quilts; much haberdashery; vintage patterns and sewing books.  Somehow, some of this comes my way as I feel sorry that this stuff has ended up in a second hand store, I feel it is my duty to ensure it finds a good home where someone will appreciate it.  Here is a photo:

The background fabric is now in the process of 'becoming' something.

It gets me thinking, what do I want to happen to my sewing collection?

I don’t want it to end up in a second hand store.

I do want it to go to someone, or some organisation that would appreciate it.

I’ve decided.  It should go to the National Trust of Australia.  Once a year they have a sale of donated clothing, jewellery, hats, linen and sewing parphinalia.  The money from these sales goes towards the repair of costumes in their collection.  I would feel happy with this.

Have a good week, I'm back at work tomorrow.


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